BercyTray for Deliveries

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Introducing the new, revolutionary product from DoorTray LLC: the BercyTray. A convenient delivery drop-off tray specifically designed for delivery foods and prescriptions, this is something everyone needs for their homes! By installing it outside your front door, you can have peace of mind knowing that your deliveries are securely placed off the ground!

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Elevating Your Delivery Experience

The BercyTray is an easy-to-install, clear plastic food delivery tray designed to be the perfect at-home drop-off spot. This product easily attaches to the outside of any door and creates a secure place that functions as an outdoor tray for food and medication delivered to your home.

The BercyTray Benefits

Trust Badges - Content:   Badge 1: Easy to install on all door sizes  Badge 2: Professionally, high-quality designed  Badge 3: Perfect for all food deliveries
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